Sunny Drying Instead Of Tumble Drying

There must be hundreds of times in a day when a person thinks to themselves, “I must use less power, this house is costing me a fortune”.  Then we go about looking for the little things to turn off and save a few pence here and there.  That light that burns in the day time that doesn’t really need to be on.  The washing machine on for only half a load because someone wants something in it sooner.  The tumble drier that is used for nearly all the wash loads, instead of  using the fresh air outside.  This reminds me of staying with relatives in Texas, I asked why the family did not put their washing out in all that glorious natural sunshine.  The looks on the faces of the ladies I sat with could have killed!  It is considerd highly unsociable to hang any washing outside there.  What a pity, in a country that already uses up so much of our precious resource!

