Easy Ways to Use Less Energy In Your Home!

Sometimes we need to rein in what we are using in order to spend less on our electricity and gas bills!  There are lots of really easy ways to make savings straight away!  Check out our list of top ways to save energy in your home today.

  1. Skip pre-rinsing dishes before loading the diswasher – rinsing first uses up to 6,500 gallons of water per year!
  2. Replace your bulbs with LED lights – the LES lights last so much longer and use less daily than regular bulbs
  3. Insulate water heaters and pipes – helps to retain more heat, so you use less energy to heat up your water
  4. Seal doors and windows – keep heat from escaping!  This will use less energy to heat your home
  5. Upgrade the thermostat – a programmable thermostat can save £100s every year
  6. Install low flow toilets and showerheads – reduce the amount of wasted water you use without even noticing!